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This weekend Mira and I will be recording book club episodes for three Black Library novels:

The First Heretic by Aaron Dembski Bowden
Prospero Burns by Dan Barnett
Daemonbreaker by Jude Reid

If you have any questions or thing you'd like us to address for any of those, post them here and we'll fold in as many as we can!



Adam Ridley

Q for Mira on First Heretic: Is the death of a robot (Incarnadine) the saddest death in the Horus Heresy so far? (I think so)

Adam Ridley

Q for Ian on Prospero Burns: What are your thoughts on the bit at the end where Bjorn (for it is he) survives the final fight and says something like "Good thing I didn't end up in a Dreadnought, I'd hate that!" Fun Easter Egg or a bit cringe?

Philip Coulam-Jones

Woo, First Heretic time! To what extent do you think Lorgar fell versus being pushed? Given recent real world events, I've been thinking about this story through the lens of political radicalisation and it makes me wonder whether this was always the end result of his ideological exploration or if he would've settled on something less extreme if Kor Phaeron and Erebus hadn't manipulated him one way or the other. Looking forward to the video!

Thomas Perry

Interested to see where Lorgar falls on the bastard scale. Does being humiliated on orders of his Dad for not being a big enough murderer earn him some sympathy or is it still all his fault ?

Robert Ferguson

I just wanted to pop in to say that this is one of my favourite books of all time and 10 years later the reason that I still have a Word Bearers army (Long Live the Bastards!). I am interested in what you both think about the comparison between the way Horus, Lorgar, Fulgrum, and their respective sons' fall to chaos. Which is the most believable? Which is the most tragic? Which is the most fun to read about? Love you guys, keep up the good work

Andrew Dowler

Q. for both Mira and Ian...who actually was the first Heretic?

Jared Meyers

Are you going to skip straight from First Heretic to Betrayer just to get the full best story in the horus heresy?


What are your thoughts on Argal Tal and Loken being sort of mirrors of each other and Argal being imo presented as "the path not walked" for Garviel?


(First Heretic) Mira, after giving every Word Bearer you've met an impressively high rank of the bastard scale and seemingly hating them on sight, has this book made you more sympathetic to them? Or has seeing more of them only made you dislike them more?


Now that you know who the first heretic was, who should be the last? (so if all get killed except for one)

Mx Self-Destruct

I have a few question about Daemonbreaker: What did you guys think about the way it tried to tie this one character into both the fall of Cadia and the invasion of Terra? Did either of you find it weird that they subtitled it “A Celestian Sacresant Aveline Novel” for a character that was created for this book? Did either of you like Aveline as a character, or is she the biggest bastard in the book?

Mx Self-Destruct

First Heretic question: after reading about the humbling of Lorgar, where does the Emperor rank on the Bastard Scale?

Patrick Pelham

These books are great and the twisted nature of demon reasoning reminds me of C.S. Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters. Do you have any favorite twist of truth or perverse reasoning from the warp?

Thomas Markham

A generic question, have you found reading the HH? Has it started to drag or you both as joyous and heretical as when you first started?