#JudyJuly 9th - Pretty in Pink (Patreon)
2019-07-09 11:24:44
Judy decided to put on her pinkies for a quick read before bed! I wonder if she actually does own a pair of glasses [???]. Thanks for this idea, Matt!
Your Ideas:
- Sports fan Judy by Colonel [DONE]
- Judy trying to learn an instrument by Mattimeo
- Judy and her pink reading glasses from Ask Us by Mattimeo [DONE]
- Arts and crafts day at her elementary school by Mattimeo
- Smiling during her first ride in a squad car by Cimar
- Binkying after receiving her acceptance letter by Stubat
- Judy the gymnast by Stubat
- Judy in braces by Cimar
- Judy the bride by Cimar
- Judy the terrible cook by Reader
- Judy training by Reader
- Judy in the wrong movie by Crooked Glasses
- Judy as a different species by Crooked Glasses
- Judy in a different time period/ culture by Crooked Glasses
- Judy backstage during the making of “Zootopia” by Crooked Glasses
- Judy drawn in an old Disney style (I REALLY like this one!) by Crooked Glasses
- Judy meeting other Disney rabbits
- Young Judy meeting Young Nick
Until tomorrow!