#Zinktober (Patreon)
Remember how #JudyJuly didn’t work out? I do, and it hurt my pride not to finish it. And while I thought to continue the remaining pieces just for fun, the fact that the last piece was done the day before my dad passed away makes it impossible for me to continue that project mentally.
SO! Let’s join in ZNN’s #Zinktober event! 31 days of art and potentially Halloween-y vibes! Nothing too fancy, just sketches at the very least. Unlike July, this will be a public event. I’ve been so inconsistent with art and I don’t want to fall behind. The “art piece-a-day” challenges are very difficult, but I don’t wanna lose my mojo! And hey, why not sprinkle the Inktober hashtag with Zootopia work for a month? Maybe Disney will remember people still enjoyed this movie. XD
Whatcha Up To, Q?
The goal is to complete all 31 prompts from the official Inktober 2019 prompt. All 31! If I can’t finish one on that day (like Oct 1) it’ll just be uploaded when I can with the others.
And You Need Our Help?
Yes, I do! I need all your ideas on things to draw along with the prompts! I LOVED asking you guys your ideas for #JudyJuly, so let’s try it again with #Zinktober! I need your ideas for the following:
You think, I’ll draw!
Simple Rules
- Zootopia characters only
- Halloween themes are encouraged!
So if you’re interested let’s get started! We’ve got 30 more days to go and today’s is “Mindless”. I look forward to hearing your ideas!