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New upgrades, dental visits, Valentine’s Day, and RSI slowed me down but I’m not out yet!

February 9th: Fox Takes the Floor

Please, turn it on

Just let me stall before I

Embarrass myself

February 10th: Opening Up

Open up to me

Hold me close and let me

Open up to you

February 11th: The Games We’ve Played

Past your jumbled words

I hope I see a fox who

Needs a little push


Colonel Arbuckle

So incredibly beautiful, Qal! You keep taking care of yourself! <3

D. Stuart

Wow. That last panel..... Just... Wow... fantastic, Qual! Hope your RSI is calming down. Blessings, Stubat


These are beautiful!!!!! Wonderful job on these, Qal! And I hope your hand and wrist feels better too!


They all look great, especially the last one.