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I'm done. It took two months, several part purchases and several pc rentals, but I'm finally done - I finally have my own set-up! I can actually multi-task (le gasp) and run my animation programs. And I can actually stream it all! When I'll stream next is up the clouds since I'm still a little shy, but we're ready to hunker down and ART. Thank you to everyone for supporting me and helping me with this upgrade! And since it looks like I might get laid off soon due to 'Rona, having everything set now is good timing. I may also open commissions soon so be on the lookout for that!

Which reminds me, please do not support me if you're experiencing hard time due to the epidemic. A lot is happening and having all of ours coins squared away is key. Just a little reassurance that I will completely understand if you do :) .

Stay tuned for more art, stay safe and stay hygienic. We'll get through this!




It's great to see that you've finally have your own private sanctum to draw how you like and where the only limit is your imagination. I'm already curious about the art you'll be creating but I know it will be great.


Glad to hear things are sorted out, suitable for purpose and stable, computer wise. A nice organized looking setup complete with a sly fox to watch over things.

Nitro Fusion

Looks amazing qal. Hope it helps a lot. The little protector will keep it safe for you.

Colonel Arbuckle

Looks like an awesome set-up, Qal!! So glad you were finally able to get it all together! And so excited to see the amazing art you're gonna make with it! Also praying you're able to maintain your job through this little bump in the road! Keep being awesome!!!


I’m so glad you recognize Mini Nick’s ability to protect the set-up :)


Thank you so much! Officer Wilde is plain-clothed, but very much so on-duty!


I really appreciate that sentiment, Ansem :) . I could use a bigger desk in the future (this set-up is in the bedroom so it must be as minimal and compact as possible), but so far I’m more than ready to test my ability to improve. I don’t know what path my art adventure will lead me down but I’m super excited!


Thank you so so much Colonel, for everything!!! I’m super excited to see if 2020 can still be my year!

D. Stuart

Excellent, Qal! Hope this opens up more of your talent! I'll be watching if you offer commishes. Locked down here, but ok on funding.. God bless, stay safe and healthy! And creative...:) Stubat


So that's what they call it now :o. Anyway, I think it's sad that the virus will derail you in your job. On another note, I look forward to commissions :O *writes down notes*


wow that's a sleek setup!