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Danggit, I cannot get Youtube to work on this new channel! I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to puch it again until this weekend, when I originally planned to stream. I'll have both a Sat and Sun stream starting sometime between 9 and 11am EST. Feel free to swing by!

Here's my new, empty Youtube channel. Maybe YOU guys can make it work XD


Nitro Fusion

GUYS GO SUB TO HERE 😂 maybe YouTube will see that and fix it for qal.


MAYBE! It probably thinks I’m some kind of spam account 😅. Great timing, Youtube!


Ain't technology wonderful. Why can't it just work?

Colonel Arbuckle

Aw, I'm sorry YouTube is being such a pain for you, Qal. I hope you're able to figure it out. *hugs* Looking forward to whenever you are able to stream!


I never clicked the sub button so fast in my life 😮


You have probably checked the Youtube help forum already but, just in case, one thread has many posting about people that are waiting more than 24 hours for the account to be enabled for video, there was no reply from Youtube. Some were able to resolve the issue by enabling two step verification when signing into their accounts, for some this didn't resolve the issue.

Tiger Bonsu

I’ll try to tune in

Tiger Bonsu

I quick scoped that sub button


Yesterday, to test the process I enabled streaming on my account and, like you indicated, it said I needed to wait 24 hours. Today, I checked and it allowed me past and into the studio to add video or stream. I don't have two part validation enabled on my account so that is not a block for me. One thing I did see two days ago when I clicked to enable streaming was a note below it that said no more than two Youtube accounts will be allowed for a specific email. Would this happen to be a third Youtube account for you using the same email?