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We got through a lot of pages this weekend and I'm definitely gonna end chapter one this week - I only need another two hours to finish the last page!

Thank you to everyone who stopped by my stream! I finished some pages, but since we're almost done with chap. 1, I figure I'll wait until I can give them to you guys in bulk.

Hold out just a little longer!




Those aren't tears 😮 Her eyes are just sweating from the heat 🙃

Colonel Arbuckle

WHY IS THE BUN CRYING?!?! 😢 I must know!! It was wonderful watching you work this weekend, Qal! Looking forward to seeing the rest of the chapter!


The expressions are absolutely stunning, setting alarms for Wednesday 😍


Thank you, Mach! TBH I woke up and even I had to say "Aw sweet, who drew this?" XD I'm finally starting to like my art. Until Wed!