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Before we get into the new pages, I just wanna say hey to new patrons John and Avalon. Thank you for your support! If you'd like to join my Discord server and are having issues, please let me know so I can send you a link :>

Now let's jump in!

Ohh yes, the magic has been restored for both of them ♡ Just a few pages left at this point. Thank you for bearing with me!


An awesome artist named Trish / Trashasaurus used to make these awesome illustrations of Nick being the best Disney princess (because Nick is the best Disney princess) and I absolutely loved them. I was reminded of them during a stream by patron Tonakuma and had to jump on the idea. So here's a sketch from everyone's favourite movie to hate!

Prints Have Been Packed

Title says it all - I'll be sending these little buggers out for shipping on either Tuesday or Wednesday so be on the lookout for package from me soon to all those who ordered! Savannah10 and up, lookout for additional news on the secret print in the following post to this!

That's all for now, but I'm working hard and fast to finish CNMC, so you'll see me again soon. Have an awesome Monday, everyone!



Colonel Arbuckle

"So what you're saying is Christmas could use more cilantro?" "Roll credits, Carrots." XDD Absolutely love these pages, Qal!! So sweet!!

John Friedrich

Thank you Qalcove! You're fan art is among the most charming I've seen. I don't use Discord but I'm glad to be able to provide a bit of support each month.


CNMC - such a heartwarming story. You're a very talented artist! Great work!