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Hey everyone, thanks for taking the time and giving this a read if you do. There's a couple things I've had in mind in regards to the request tier that I think need to be brought up before I implement anything:

1- This is the least important of them, but its been a continuous frustration at people in the tier not getting their request details to me. I try to work with people but more than once its ended with multiple back-and-forths before I finally get a meaningful response. So I'm making this a solid rule:

At some point early on in the month I always send out a mass-message to everyone in the tier. You must respond do this, I am not going to go out of my way to play message tag and hope people respond in the last few days of the month anymore. You respond timely to my initial call, with at least an RSVP (and do not keep me waiting on details much longer after that) or you are forfeiting your request for that month. 

I'm sorry to be a hardass about this, and I will work with you if you communicate with me about extraneous circumstances, but I need to keep that tier working smoothly so its not a frustration and I can (hopefully) get back to it being a thing I work on more periodically throughout the month and not the last-minute rush its become.

2- Its come to my attention that I have multiple people who have expressed interest in getting requests, but have not been able to ever because the tier is always full and the names on that roster is not changing. I am going to make a waiting list for people who want in on the tier, and encourage people who have been on the tier for multiple months in a row, to step down to a lower tier (preferably within the last few days of the month so someone has the chance to opt in before next months' cycle begins) and let someone else have a turn if their are names ON the list. When you do, you can certainly mention it to me and I'll update the waiting list to put your name back on if you'd like back in once a slot opens again.  

This is part of why I'd originally planned to make this tier a raffle of sorts, but couldn't because Patreon doesn't take kindly to raffles since they're pseudo-gambling). The best I can think is to have this waiting list, and when a slot opens up to let the next person on the list know via message that a slot is open if they want to take it. Of course I can't guarantee someone else won't notice and snag it first, but I want to try and make an effort to keep this tier cycling to give more people a chance to enjoy the benefit. 

If anyone can suggest a smoother way to go about doing this please, feel free to offer ideas but for now, this is the best system I can come up with is to post here or PM me if you want your name on the waiting list and I will keep said list posted and updated as things change so its always clear who's in the queue.

So with all that said, thanks again for your time in reading this. 



This seems ultimately fair to me with regard to those 2 points, fairer for you and fairer for those wanting a chance than effectively having that tier set in stone.