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Ahoy, fellow adventurers!

This month has been the worst for me and I really hope it all ends soon with some good news. One of the worst things has happend is that my laptop is completely dead and is beyond repair. This is the nightmare came to life and the timing is literally the worst. I hope that they will be able to extract the data from the drive, so fingers crossed my backlog of content and important documents will be saved. 

But for now the most important thing is to find some working machine or laptop, because I can't afford to purchase a new one at the moment. There is a chance I will get an old working one in a month and currently I have to think on how to survive this month without any laptop to work on. 

I still can draw on my iPad and take commissions, but I'm trying to figure out how to share the PDF and Foundry VTT content. I really don't won't to pause the Patreon page, because I really depend on this income and can't afford to lose it. So I will try to figure this situation out.

I had earlier plans to shift my Patreon page to a bi-weekly or monthly basis, so probably that would be a perfect time to do that. I will keep you updated for the upcoming month, and for now I really appreciate your patience and support. This week's loot will also be delivered to you with a bit of a delay (after I receive my hard drive).

And don't forget to make backups!

Stay safe,


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