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Available for all patrons: [FILES DOWNLOAD]
Available for Tinkerers and higher tiers: [
FOUNDRY VTT MODULE LINK] [NOTE: Items Compendium works in Starfinder system only]

Hello, fellow adventurers!

I really want to make more Sci-Fi content, so here's an item which is available as Plasma Sword (Slue Star) artwork for Starfinder system.

The loot pack includes:

• Plasma Sword item (original PNG)
• Token (280x280 px PNG)

Available for all patrons: [FILES DOWNLOAD]

• Foundry VTT Compendiums

Available for Tinkerers and higher tiers: [FOUNDRY VTT MODULE LINK] [NOTE: Items Compendium works in Starfinder system only]


Thank you so much for your support! And don't forget to check all the library of content here: THE VAULT

Please read Content Use if you are planning to use my content in your games, streams and commercial projects!

Stay adventurous!
Oixxo Art



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