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Hello! In my last art update I said this month might be slow, and when I wrote that it was because I felt like absolute shit.
I went to the doctor and it turns out I have tonsillitis/strep, ( Halsfluss in Swedish ) so now I'm on antibiotics for 10 days.
My throat is already way better after like 1,5 days on antibiotics but i've got a bad fever with muscle soreness all over and I'm tired as hell.
I hope I'll feel much better soon! But I'm just not going to be able to draw through this the way i'm often able to when I have milder symptoms.

I'll finally make some proggress on Zelda TotK now instead.

But yeah, this next art update will 100% be weaker than usual!



Get well soon!


Hey, strep buddies!


Take care man, when the artist is down the quality is down, take some you time to recover, we'll be here waiting as we always do. Keep up the amazing work in the meantime!


Take your time to get better. Hope the recovery goes well.


Look after yourself first that's the most important thing, take some time for yourself too and no one is going anywhere, hope you get well soon ^_^

Alexander L

Hey, if you're unwell you need time to recover. You just make sure you're looking after yourself.


Feel well soon!

Jeffrey Dennis

Rest easy mate, I'd rather have the Author over some pictures.


Rest up! Your health is more important than anything.