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I just sent the PSDs and Sketches for February 2024 to the 6$+ " Goodies! " tier!

They should be in your private messages if you pledged a total of 6$ or more during February!

Only one PSD this month too since I was focusing on the game. And it's mostly just tweaks of the old Emelie sprite asset. But it's all I had to post!
And a few images I drew today and recently for the sketches!

If you have any issues at all  just let me know!

If you're reading this in hindsight and want the files you can get them for 7$ over on my Gumroad!

Thank you very much for supporting me!!




Question. Will there ever be SFW kinda wallpaper for pc?


Heyy! Every main CG in the game is a 1920x1080 image, so you can use all of them as wallpapers if that's your monitor res. As for a design specifically made to be a wallpaper, I probably won't spend time on something like that until the game is finished, since it'd eat into development time! But once the game is finished I will work on more stuff like that and merch I think.