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  • Samurai_Fiancee_Sweat_n... - audiogram.mp4
  • Samurai_Fiancee_Sweat_n... - audiogram.mp4



You and Ika, your samurai fiancée, are mercenaries who have worked alongside each other for many years. 

Some months ago, you both fell into a large underground cavern while fighting a warwizard, and discovered a sea-faring dwarven fortress, built by the ancient dwarves. 

You decided to repair the fortress together, pouring most of your savings into it, and today, it is finally complete! 

What better way to celebrate, than taking a soothing bath in the underking’s private quarters while fiddling with the levers and buttons, and talking about the place you will set sail to, leaving behind the feuding clans and power-hungry warlords in favour of a more peaceful future.❤️❤️❤️




sometimes it pays handsomely to be up at 5am

Joseph Asscrack's ASSMR

Oh cool, another of mine! I based the idea on the Steam Vents card here https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=652036 . Otherwise it was inspired by the dwarven fortresses of the Elder Scrolls and the last episode of the Grand Tour, which brought about the mobile fortress and the plot about leaving one's homeland forever. Also in the words of DRG "YEAH ROCK AND STONE"


Ohhh nauuuurrrr I just realised I didn't put in your two conditions for this samurai audio. If one of your ideas wins again this month I'm gonna add them in along with the other two conditions from this month's submission ;o