Help Me Decide Which Audio We Should Release To The Public - repost
- Winner’s POV - you don’t come + she squirts 67
- Loser’s POV - you don’t cum + she wins 21
hi everyone! so, as you already know, the recent upload [F4M] Showing You How To Properly Last Through NNN is an early access audio. However, only one version of that audio is being posted publicly and the other version is remaining exclusive.
i like to keep a level of ✨ e x c l u s i v i t y ✨ even for the early access audios, which is why i make multiple endings, version, etc.
so, my question is, which one should we release to the public?
repost because i’m realizing the question isn’t clear enough lmaoo sorry >.<
LOSER’S POV IS SUPPOSED TO SAY “you DO cum + she wins” jfc why won’t it let you edit the choices 😭