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So many of the questions I had about Muichiro were answered with this backstory. It's so crazy how he took on his brother's coldness and cynicism when he is innately very similar to Tanjiro 🥹😭

So many characters in this anime have such tragic backstories. It's so inspiring to see them fight through and overcome their challenges and circumstances.

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I think Yuichiro is more cautious and pragmatic then the rest of his family. And then it doesn't help when you first beg your mother to slow down and take care of herself and she doesn't listen and works herself into a deathly fever. Then after all the trauma that comes from that some strange woman shows up essentially saying hey you are super special swordsman and it has to feel like such a slap in the face because 10 year old logic super special people don't die in such mundane ways


One of my favorite episodes and my favorite hashira. As always love the discussions and the predictions ❤️

britt m

Damn, this episode always makes me cry!! Goes to show, you never truly know what others have gone through. With Muichirou, he comes off as abrasive, but only as a way to cope with his trauma. I love the fact that Tanjiro, just being the kind spirit that he is, was able to trigger his memories, thus saving Mui's life after he was about to give up~ It really does pay to be kind~


Random, but did ya’ll get a new camera? The video just looks really crisp! Loved the predictions in this episode! Guess we’ll just have to see who is right~


My son has a summer birthday, so I send cupcakes to school on his half birthday 🎉


I won't write the comment that I was originally going to write because Mio over under the YT cut already did a much better job than I would've! I am just going to point out that "Muichiro" has 4 syllables so don't blend the u and the i (again, see Mio's terrific breakdown and remember your numbers in Japanese when you say the "ichi" in "Muichiro").


Sarah loves calling out Adam on these videos, and I'm all here for it. Great episode as always. Also, the Mu in Muichiro can also stand for the Mu in Mugen Train.

Milly I. Nakai

The character 無 MU in Japanese means “non-existence”. Depending on the character added after, it forms a whole distinct word. So, 無限 MU+GEN = “non(-existence) of limits” = unlimited, limitless, infinity Remember the “mugen or Infinity Train Arc”?