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It was a short season, so only 1 opening and 1 ending this time around. I adore the ending animation for this season!! 😍



Season 3's OP and ED are some of my favorites in anime! I'm pretty sure I've said this before but I love myself some Burnout Syndrome and I listen to Hikari Are on blast when I need to get pumped up! The imagery of the mountain that has to be scaled by our Crows turning into the monstrous white eagle that is our (second after Sarah, of course) favorite lefty volley ball player is just 😘 And I absolutely adore revisiting all of the teams in that ending animation. Plus, the vibe of the song (Mashi Mashi) is a perfect fit!

Sharles Davis Kendy

I think the reason this OP is so beloved is that combination of banger song and just gorgeous vissuals. Also, "Hikare Are" stands for "Let There Be Light" and that makes the visuals even cooler.

Ignacio Garcia

I love season's 3 OP and ED, they are such classics. Would you consider watching the openings as they air for season 4? I don't see any spoilers in them either, just pure hype and they help getting you excited for the episode.


Season 3 opener and ender is probably my fave out of all of them! So glad y’all reacted to it

Jess G.M.

The lyrics of the opening are beautiful, in Spanish is like: ¡Hagase la luz! which means kind of "Let there be light", but idk why it sounds to me so much more profound in Spanish.


I was looking forward to this! Mashi Mashi is such a vibe and I love the ending animation. LEO will always have a soft spot in my heart, it's a great song to listen to on walks.