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Wish it would not be banned again.

If there is any new problem please let me know, thank you.


Trailer from my YouTube: @xnrxnr

Screenshot from my Twitter/X or Deviantart: @xnr2011

When you are new follower you can get google drive link in 24 hours by private message.

You can choose higher Tier to get other month clips, thank you very much.




Could you possibly link the respective YouTube preview on the gumroad product pages so it's easier to know the contents? Cheers.


It got banned already :(


Gumroad has been cracking down on anything fetish-driven after their latest terms of service update. Not because of their own policies, but those of their payment processors.

Thomas Johnson

This is super frustrating, it go removed again. I was going to get quite a few videos when I got paid again.