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😜Gods also have their quirks! So does the source of all attraction forces, the mother of galaxies, stars and planets. So every now and then she visits us, the living, and employs her abilities to attract in a highly peculiar way😜  

Shoutout to MIZU, who inspired me with her DOMINANCE: ✨https://twitter.com/Miizuhaara✨  

💖Thank you so much to those who support me! I guess I not gonna die of hunger! That's a good news.💖



Dark Nova

Would absolutely love to see more of this


Do you mean showing how Makima, Kobeni, Himiko and maybe other CSM characters got converted, or Mizu wrecking havoc in other franchises?

Dark Nova

Showing how Makima and the others fell or even other female CSM characters get converted. I would be fine with either. Both would be best though.


Yessssss watching Makima fall under and fall in love with stinky feet