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Along with another familiar face...... 

So I heard the next 3 episodes you guys want me to watch all together????




I got mixed up with skullcrusher and bonecrusher name so hard in the beginning of the ep😭


Next 3 eps is basically what happens when the writers decided to COOK, and it was goddam DELICIOUS. You should watch all 3 together but you can decide how you wanna upload them.


Viggo the goat is back!!

clutch the cinnamon sergal

Ah yes the biggest retcon…that was universally accepted by the entire fan base as a-okay because Viggo is the goat


So are you?


You should definitely watch all 3 together!! Although they're not named in 3 parts, they are really connected to each other. So if I were you I would watch all 3 together. How you upload them is up to you!


The only way Viggo could possibly survive is if he survived the initial fall, managed to climb his way out in his crippled state BEFORE the volcano erupted at the end of S4 and find a wrecked ship on the island to escape on while simultaneously escaping the blast. Mans had all the plot armour in the world to survive that lmfao.

clutch the cinnamon sergal

There’s more problems that I’ll bring up after he’s seen the next episodes…which unfortunately make the retcon worse from a writing standpoint. Basically it involves fundamentally changing how events happened from the end of season 4 in the flashback in wings of war part 1…which are…very noticeable…


Yeah all 3 together would be best