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Lego Outcast Studios

I want to say that this episode was incredible and I honestly enjoyed the action sequences so much, but I also want to say that I’m sorry that you got spoiled and take it from someone that is currently at the same paces as you that I feel saddend as well and I know how you feel,you know Star Wars, I’ve absolutely love the franchise but I was spoiled on something really bad that I cried a lot in the cafeteria, and I thought that I would just stop watching, but I kept continuing on, I just want to say that thank you for showing us with so much love of all the shows you have gave us and with the upcoming surgery I just want to say that I hope you are well and that hope you and your family have a great day/Stay safe⭐️🐸🦉⭐️

Oliv Overcure

Apex Armor is my fav relic! Whoever wears it immediately becomes OP. Phase shifter is a close second though <3


This is what I was talking about when I said Dreadwing would destroy Wheeljack in a melee fight. He can keep up and even take the upper hand against Optimus.


should do 14-16 in 1 go as they pretty much follow each other


If I do that y’all won’t get another episode for a bit lol since I won’t be able to record for a while coming up


oh darn it, well 14 can be done alone, but 15-16 really go togther.