The winner of the September Animation Poll is...
- Pregnancy! 101
- Stuffing! 41
- Vore! 63
...MAMAKO OOSUKI! With a staggering 153 Mom Points! With her victory, she'll be the subject of this month's main animation!
In 2nd place... GARDEVOIR! With a respectable 81 votes, she'll be getting a smaller animation at the end of the month!
In 3rd place, was Panty! With an extremely appropriate 69 votes! As 3rd place winner, I'll sketch her as well as a few other choices from the poll that didn't make the final round!
Now, time to decide the topic of the animation!
Once again any $10+ tiers that didn't suggest a character have an extra vote! That's 3 votes for BIG FISHES and 4 votes for FEAR LIZARDS! Comment below if you'd like to split your vote among multiple choices!
I'll announce the winning choice in the comments below tomorrow night!