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Ahoy mateys! Ol' Salty Noot's here with a quick update on what's upcoming as the month winds down! 

I'm currently in the lining/coloring phase of the Mamako animation, and I'm trying to shoot for it being done on the 25th! It'll probably be a little radio silent until then, but I'll see if I can get a quick Panty sketch done!

After the Mamako animation I'll hop right into the Gardevoir one, and I'll /hopefully/ have that done by about the 28th! 

Once those are both done I'll probably just get a few sketches done! If time permits I'll try to squeeze in the little Smauggie digestion alt I mentioned before, but I could end up finishing that on the 1st or 2nd of October! 

So yeah! That's my plan atm, thank you all again for your patience and support! *instant transmissions away*


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