The October Update...! *wolf howl* (Patreon)
BOO! Sorry, I'm legally obligated to spook you at least once during October. Now that that's out of the way...
Welcome back to another DREADFUL month at Lewdlemage Manor.... *bats fly out*
There's a few orders of business! Thinking about doing a small sketch stream for BIG FISH folks at some point, what days/times would work best for you all?
Also! And this is slightly more important, regarding the animation polls, I'm considering removing the topic poll! The last one where we vote on whether the animation will be preg/stuffing/vore. Instead I would pick the topic myself! This month will be the same whether or not I decide to go down this route, but I wanted to bring it up now to give us time to discuss!
I have a few reasons for this, first is that I worry the topic poll results in the same stuff winning over and over again! I prefer to keep a bit of a balance, partly to keep things interesting for myself and also because I know some folks might be here for certain things! Secondly, since it's an extra day or so of voting, I have to wait that extra time before I can start animating, whereas if I chose myself I could start immediately! Furthermore sometimes I'll have an interesting idea for the animation, but I'll have to change it because of the poll! Which is fine usually, but I think that it'd result in better stuff overall if when I have a really good vore idea for a character I can just run with it, or a really good preg idea etc.
Let me know what you all think about this! Regardless, this month will be the same as usual like I mentioned earlier!
Schedule-wise this week I'm gonna just try and grind out a lot of sketches! I'm currently working on that Panty pic so hopefully I can finish that soon! And the submissions box will go up in just a few minutes!
Thanks again for all your support!! *turns into a bat and flies away*