The Winner of the November Animation Poll is... (Patreon)
...MIDNA! With a stunning 171 votes! As 1st place winner, she'll be the subject of this month's animation! The topic of which will be... Stuffing! In the spirit of Thanksgiving! Furthermore, the suggester didn't specify which form of Midna (imp or humanoid), so I'll try to do a bit of both if I can!
In 2nd place with a surprise upset... YANG! Who put up a good fight with 132 votes! As 2nd place winner, she'll receive a smaller animation later on in the month! I haven't decided the topic for her yet, but it'll either be pregnancy or stuffing!
In a close 3rd place was... Momo! With a respectable 121 votes! For her and other notable contestants I'll try to do sketches as a consolation prize!
Thanks everyone for voting! Stay tuned as work begins!