The Winner of the December Animation Poll is... (Patreon)
...MELONY! With a powerful 155 votes!! As 1st place winner, she'll be the subject of the monthly animation!
In 2nd place with a close 127 votes... MARNIE! We have no choice but to stan... As 2nd place winner, she'll get a smaller animation later on in the month!
And in 3rd place with a respectable 109 votes, TSUNADE! As consolation prizes, I'll be drawing sketches of her as well as a few others from the poll!
Time to begin work... See you all soon!! *gets captured in a pokeball*
edit- Forgot to mention the topics woops! For Melony, I'm thinking pregnancy just because... Mom Energy lol. While for Marnie I'll prolly go with stuffing cuz... CURRY!