The Winner of the January Animation Poll is... (Patreon)
NAMI-SWAAAAAAAAA- Cough. I mean, NAMI!!!!!
With a stunning 211 votes! As 1st place winner, she'll be the subject of this month's main animation!
In 2nd place, with an also impressive 149 votes... WEISS SCHNEE! As 2nd place winner, she'll receive a smaller animation later on in the month!
And in 3rd place was Ramona Flowers with 112 votes! As 3rd place winner, I'll sketch her and some other notable characters from the poll during the month!
As for the what topic I'll be animating for Nami... I'm leaning towards stuffing! Probably something involving Sanji's cooking or winning money drinking lol. And for Weiss, I'll probably go with pregnancy to match the other RWBY animation!
This shall be a very fun month, fufufufu... Stay tuned folks!