The Winner of the March Animation Poll is... (Patreon)
...SHANTAE!! *shakes hips* With a powerful 221 votes! With that, she'll receive this month's main animation!
In 2nd place, with an impressive 164 votes... MINA ASHIDO! For 2nd place, she'll receive a smaller animation later on this month!
And for fighting bravely against these two powerhouses, our third place winner GREAT JAGRAS will receive a sketch!
Now... To decide the topics! Jagras is pretty much the vore pick, though maybe I'll be a trickster and have Mina be the vore focus instead and do stuffing with Jagras... We shall see! For Shantae though, I'm pretty sure I'll do something pregnancy related! The obvious idea of a belly-dance is too good to pass up lol. Like I said Mina will either be stuffing or vore, depends on what idea I come up with! Feel free to try to convince me one way or the other in the comments!
And with that, there's the plan for the animations this month! Time to GET TO WORK!! *explodes*