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at i think its pg 7!? correct me if im wrong lol. just managed to bang this page out before mayternity it up lol, a fitting end to the month i suppose! 

one more page left after this!



Hugh Mungus

we need more of that facial expression lol, awesome

Pokemania1994 .

Fuuuck only one more? Hate to say it but gotta end my subscription after that I'm only here for Lamikaku :c

Amelia Redfern

All the pregnancy! All the cuteness! I do hope for maybe a sequal comic.


yep! no worries friend I respect that but I’d also like to move onto other things personally!


This has been an amazing run, I can't wait to see the finale.


I’d love a kick version if possible?


It's sad that this is coming to an end in one more page but this is one hell of a way to end it. As much as I want to see more Lami, I can't wait to see what else you have in mind for the future. As much as it takes quite a lot of time and as much as I really like your single pictures, I think your comics are amazing and I hope to see more of them in future. To be honest, I think your comics are your top tier quality. But hey, whatever you want to do Lewdle. :)


Hey gotta ask are the fertility sisters oc of yours.


Zagine and Kenta Koukuji are the brains behind the characters and story. More info from Zag here: https://www.deviantart.com/sir-zagine/journal/Meet-the-Team-Behind-Kaku-and-Lami-826541580


I... wow. You post so frequently, and it is ALWAYS incredible stuff! I feel so spoiled... YOU'RE THE BEST! ^~^


Oh my😦. I think lami’s reaction and acting is the best parts


Wow! That belly is huge! Is it just me or is it bigger than her other appearances... there is so much we don't know about her condition! Love Lami content so much, thanks!!!

sushi sundays

your facial expressions are top tier man


though manga is Going to going to final part But will we see more lami picture in the future?


that belly LOL!! WOOM !!!!


Ooh, this is definitely my favourite page so far. It's really good!


This is some legendary stuff my dude.

Jesus Jr

Actually this is page 6 lol, I just check that you made the fifth page but this one you made is the sixth page


Page 6 is here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/35868860


is she......... pigante?!?!?!


She has a very big belly for a pregnant girl... I LOVE IT !


She’s gonna be a great mom I’m sure.