The Winner of the July Animation Poll is... (Patreon)
...LUCOA!!! The boob-dragon herself... With a stunning 355 votes! As 1st place winner, she'll be the subject of this month's main animation!
And while Lucoa may have won by a landslide, there was a HEATED BATTLE for 2nd place! And winning by just 12 VOTES was ... NEO (space) POLITAN!! With an even 200 votes! As 2nd place winner, she'll receive a smaller animation later on in the month!
Fear not though, dear Hinata fans... She'll still receive a sketch this month, along with some other poll entrants!
Now, I shall go into the topics I'll be picking for each! For Lucoa, I've decided on pregnancy! My last dragon-maid related animation was also pregnancy, and I'm a bit of a sucker for that fruitful symmetry lol. For Neo, I'm going to go with vore! She's a villain in the series, and I've been wanting to do a "multiple-prey" type thing so having her nom Team RWBY sounds cute to me lol. And lastly with Hinata as the "QUEEN OF GLUTTONY", it's too obvious not to depict her legendary 46-bowl ramen streak with a good stuffing pic!
So that's that!! Thanks to everyone that voted, and once again thanks to everyone for your support! I'll see y'all again soon! *teleports away*