pls imagine the smash announcer voice saying all the choices... HERE WE ARE FOLKS! The yearly OC animation poll, with OCs suggested from you all! Who will win!?
The top 3 characters from this round will move onto the FINALS! Comment below if you'd like to split your votes amongst multiple choices!
And remember that any $10+ tiers that didn't suggest a character have an extra vote, that's 3 votes total for BIG FISHES and 4 for FEAR LIZARDS! This includes any BIG FISH who suggested a character but didn't make it into the poll!
Poll ends tomorrow at 9pm EST!
As an aside, to all the couple of folks who suggested non-OCs, I decided to to just take them out! I thought about it and an OC month should just focus on OCs lol, I'll try and give you folks drawings instead, sorry for the miscommunication! You still have your extra vote as well so don't worry!