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Hey all!! A storm came through and now power’s gone out for my whole neighborhood, it’s looking like it might be gone the rest of the day! Was planning on postin some Winona and countin up the votes for the poll but that’ll prolly have to wait til tomorrow! Alas, frustrating but i didn’t lose any work either so! Your regularly scheduled worm content will resume soon hopefully!

Edit- power’s back but internets still out! No clue when it’ll be back yet but sadly This Wonderful Site’s Mobile app is total garbage for quality so I can’t really upload yet either! Sorry again folks, just bear with me!



stay safe, you goofy noodle


hope it comes back soon, power outages suck quite a lot :(

Mad Ivy

Hoping it comes back soon! I'm here sitting in the dark as well.


you are a wizard! use your lightning magic to save the neighborhood!!!!


Might be a good chance for you to just take it easy.


My power went out the other day too, it's contagious


Let me guess, you're enjoying the tropical storm on the east coast? Isn't climate change fun?🙄


Same here. Gotta love storms. We've got a tree in our front yard that took out our power.

Kray Z

What a coincidence I keep losing power and keep getting it back


worm I hope you can cozy up and relax


Damn you Isaiah! Throw this whole year away.


Sad to hear, but make sure you’re keeping safe from the storm!


When you say "storm", are you talking about a real storm or Mangra who ravaged your apartment when she found out she had not won the first place for the august animation pool? ;)


hope internets come back soon

Joe Bradly

What happened to that last Winona pic?


I tried to upload it with mobile but the quality got totally destroyed so I decided to just wait to post it properly once my internet gets back! Sorry bout that!

Green Mario

that sux, hope you get the interwebs working again. *is not a bear, therefore unable to bear with you.