The Winners of the September Character Poll Are...! (Patreon)
MIIA! (catgirl) GLADOS! AND... DIANE!!
Congratulations to all who voted for them! As stated previously, since I'll be handling the animation this month, these top 3 winners will all be receiving sketches!
As consolation for those that didn't make it, I'll try and cherrypick one or two other choices from the poll to draw on stream later on this month as well!
Now... To let you all know my plans for this month! Atm, I'm working on something slightly silly featuring N'urs! It'll be pregnancy focused, and to spoil it a little it'll be a little bit of a riff/parody of TikTok stuff hahaha, you'll see! I'm not planning on making it super huge but it will feature audio! Once I get that done I'm planning on working on a small stuffing animation! I don't have a set character in mind for that yet so I'll keep you guys updated!
So yeah that's where my plans are at rn! Besides the sketches that won I think I'll try and focus on some other OC stuff like Smauggie/Camilla/Midna etc. We shall see!! Thank you all for your continued support and allowing me to take this month for myself! I'll try and make some good stuff for y'all! See ya soon! *suddenly dies like one of the Among Us astronauts*