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*wearing a nice suit* i would like to wish the 1% of people who voted for Lea in the animation poll a fine evening... to everyone else, i also wish you a fine evening playing Crosscode for the first time... 

for the uninitiated the joke here is that the protag, Lea, can only say the words "Hi, Lea!". but noodle why doesnt she shake her head bla bla SHUSH ALRIGHT!! *shoves a chilli dog in your mouth*



Hugh Mungus

I didn't know who this was, but I'm glad I do now!


glad to represent that 1% 👏

Tired Pro

Ymmfh hffh Mmh Ffnnfhnnffg Mmfh! (Translator's Note: "You have a fine evening too!")


I gotta say, I never expected to see Lea stuffing art Blessed content thank you


We few members of B.A.L.L graciously accept this kind donation.


Aw man, if I was still subscribed when that was happening I definitely would have been part of that 1% (Although Samus is always pretty tempting).