The Winner of the March Animation Poll Is...! (Patreon)
MYTHRA! (...and by some extension, PYRA!) With nearly 400 votes!! Such is the power of the Aegis... As 1st place winner, she'll be the main subject for this month's animation!
In 2nd place, with just shy of 300 votes... it's LOONA! Everyone's favorite hellhound... As 2nd place winner, she'll recieve a smaller animation later on in the month!
With a long history of being suggested... HOLO, the Wise Wolf herself, finally made the finals! She fought bravely, and as third place winner, she'll receive a sketch sometime this month!
There were many good choices this month... And I'll do my best to pick other honorable mentions (Mona, Gwen, etc) from the poll to draw sketches of when I get the chance! Once again thank you all for voting!
Now... to get down to brass tacks, we must decide the topics for this month's animations! I'll be honest, I am gonna to do an animation that involves both Pyra and Mythra, like I can't just do ONE... Last month pregnancy DID get a little snubbed when I changed Byleth to stuffing last second, and specifically Mythra's tsundere energy lends itself well to the topic! So for the two of them, I'll go with pregnancy! (I know about Pyra's "heavy" joke, but I can work that in on any topic really lol). For Loona, I probably will go with her human form, just because that's partly why people re-suggested her recently. Topic wise I'm gonna go with stuffing! There's a joke to be made about fat humans or her being embarassed at eating too much around her crush, etc. It's also partly because I'd like to draw vore for Holo! I've actually always been a fan of that old Kipteitei vore pic of her lol, and this gives me the chance to pay some homage!
So YEAH! That's my plan, so speaketh the worm! Please respect it and try to keep it civil in the comments! All brands of tum will get their content this month, worry not... And thank you all again for the support this month and I hope I can bring y'all some real good stuff soon!! *transforms into a blonde tsundere version of myself, calls you a baka and runs off*