The Winner of the April Animation Poll Is...!? (Patreon)
ERUUUUUMAAAA-! (ELMA!) With over 400 votes!! As the prophecy foretold, the trio shall be complete... As 1st place winner, she'll be the subject of this month's main animation!
In 2nd place, with a strong following of nearly 350 votes... POISON IVY!! A face we've seen on the polls before, she's finally made it to the top 2! As 2nd place winner, she'll be receiving a smaller animation later on this month!
Similarly, a solid shoutout to Pokemon's very own JESSIE for finally making it to the finals! As third place winner, she'll be receiving a sketch sometime this month! And kudos to all other contestants, I'll try and pull from some of them for other sketch ideas!
Now, to decide on the topics! A big part of Elma's character is her love for sweets and other human foods, so stuffing seems like a no brainer for her! I'll also try to highlight her gigantic... tail. Meanwhile, Poison Ivy's plant aesthetic and relationship with Harley leads me to some cute preg content for her! And lastly, this leaves a vore pic for Jessie! It matches up with my other pokevore pics so far, and perhaps she'll finally get revenge on those twerps...!?
Once again thanks to all for voting, and your continued support! These'll be some fun animations for me... I'm looking forward to making 'em for all of you! Talk to y'all again soon! *starts to drive off when my car explodes*