The Winner of the May Animation Poll is...! (Patreon)
...ROSALINA! With almost 500 votes! That's a lot of star bits... As 1st place winner, she'll be the subject of this month's main animation!
And in 2nd place, inspiring a surprising fervor among voters... it's SHEGO! The mean green lady herself! As 2nd place winner she'll receive a smaller animation later on this month!
And lastly, after a respectable showing in this month's Tournament of Tums, ERZA has secured a 3rd place slot! She and other notable poll entrants will receive a sketch from me later on!
And that's that folks! Thanks to everyone for voting! Now, time for topics...
As stated before, it's Mayternity! And Rosalina's caring, motherly nature (and her many Lumas referring to her as "Mama") makes her a good fit for the pregnancy animation this month! Meanwhile Shego can FINALLY defeat Kim Possible in a fight through some... unorthodox means... Her animation will be vore focused! And finally, a powerful warrior like Ezra needs to eat! I'll do a stuffing pic for her later on!
So yeah! That's my plans for the month! Once again thanks to everyone for the suggestions and votes! I look forward to making some cool stuff this month for y'all! See you all again........ soon!! *flies off into space*