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ive heard of barrel chested but this is ridiculous...!! well, at least they're getting along

*wipes tears from my eyes bc i wanted to post this before midnight but its now 12:02* pls enjoy..... i missed drawing this crew

for mobile users in case its hard to read the dialogue!: http://puu.sh/HFVg1/7aaedf0e90.png




But its 11:03...

M-Dude (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-10 20:40:44 Yes! My favorite character of yours!
2021-05-12 04:06:40 Yes! My favorite character of yours!

Yes! My favorite character of yours!

Hona Vega

"Sounds hot!" She's saying what we're all thinking 👀


What an astonishingly cute barmaid! Just imagine if everything Smauggie drank went into her tum...

Clarence Williams

i just wanna feed her more and give her more drinkkkkk


One of my favourite situations is when a tum is so heavy that the weight pins the person down, so I love this a lot.


I'm so glad we've been blessed with the Eldwell gang again, they're some of my favorites


Smauggie! Feels like ages since we saw this proud, adorable little (by comparison), gluttonous dragon.


The barmaid is back! Is this the first time she’s been with Smauggie?


Eh, Smauggie ... DO A BARREL ROLL !!! (Sorry, the Starfox meme was the first thing that popped into my mind 🤣 ) And I really appreciate the relationship between Smauggie and the village's citizens : It is so heartwarming ^^

Atlas Comix

Just an idea but what if Smauggie's scales were like a skin tight morph suit and her soft underbelly could stretch more that the scales causing them to rip make her belly a weakness and since she's already hate be thought of as weak or having a weakness cute shenanigans could ensue. Either way love the post!

Bvajen (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-10 20:40:41 I've been hoping for ages you'd do another Smauggie picture! I'd love to see her (and her friends) more often!
2021-05-12 08:44:28 I've been hoping for ages you'd do another Smauggie picture! I'd love to see her (and her friends) more often!

I've been hoping for ages you'd do another Smauggie picture! I'd love to see her (and her friends) more often!


This is adorable! Awesome job and good to see these characters again!


I missed the Barmaid. I love her!!!!



-King of Donuts-

Beautiful pic! Can't wait for more!


I've missed Smauggie so much. So happy to see her again 😍


I love her...


missed smauggie a lot


I think they could call it a tie.


I've seriously gotta draw fanart of Smauggie sometime, she is too perfect


Beer Baby


Smauggie! Good to see more goofy dragon content


poor knight, he just wanted him a refill ;C


this is great I love it, I hope we'll get a round two with Lilith taking on the Smauggie in a drinking contest.


More Midna!!!!!! Give Midna screentime!!!