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*looking up from my fishing line to notice you* ah! welcome back folks! summer is in full swing... and so is lewdlemage dot com... 

As mentioned last night, this month it's back to animation! Hope you all enjoyed the sketch-only month last time! Let me know what you all thought, atm I'm thinking of doing sketch-only months every few months (prolly like every three/four months, etc) to recharge and catch up on some sketchin. So if the response is positive that'll prolly be what I do going forward!

As for what to expect this first week, my first concern is getting the Lady Dimitrescu and Katara pics done! I'll probably get the Katara pic done first tomorrow while I consider how I wanna tackle the Dimitrescu pic later on in the week... Other than that I'll shoot for an earlier BIG FISH stream this month, probably around the 8th or 10th! 

I don't have too many plans besides that just yet, I'm still planning on finishing the Thanksgibbon comic but I'm sidelineing it atm because I want to rework/edit some of the pages I didn't like and plan before moving forward again. It's not supposed to be like a huge project or anything page-count-wise, but I just wanna do a good job lol. 

So yeah!! That's where we're at atm, the suggestion box for BIG FISHES will go up in a few minutes like usual! Thanks again everyone for stickin' around in this awful sticky summer weather... Tums aren't great for cooling down, but we'll see what we can do... 'till next time folks!! *pulled into the ocean by a large tuna*



Take all the recharge months you need!!!


I did enjoy sketch only month while your animations are great and always getting better, I feel we got more art which is nice and I'm sure it gave you alot more free time so I think it was good for all.

Fury Pebble

Your art is some of the best belly art, so I think most of us are happy with whatever you decide to do especially if it keeps you happy and healthy


I liked the sketch month. I would appreciate you taking any and all breaks you need!

Mint Fish

Sketch month has been good. Everybody loves a happy worm, so please do what feels good for you.