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THAT'S RIGHT!! I FINALLY DID IT!!!!!!! fun fact! winona doesn't really have bones, except in her hands!

i teased people with possibly doing this during mayternity and ive been drawing poor nurs pregnant so often lately i stayed up all night last night to finally deliver on this........ so here we are!! the resolution!! just eggs so we're not going too crazy or anything, but still rare bottomless from the worm..... and yeah i'll draw a little follow-up featuring their gross grub offspring just to lay it all to rest this once and get my brain off this preg-nurs fascination for a bit... here's the obvious uncensored version for those brave souls: https://sta.sh/02byytzkc7yi




I'm more taken aback by a Worm with hands and the Shadow meme reference. Still surprisingly wholesome.


Whoooah never thought i'd see the day. Also i have to say, hospital Nur's is super cute, love the ponytail and glasses

Another Person

Okay, I keep learning new things about these two almost every time they show up. I had no idea that Nurs was actually psychic until just now.


Wasn't expecting this but NICE


The mad lad finally did it


Need a Kobayashi preg continuation


*jaw drops to floor*

Jesus Jr

Wait a second? Since when did Worm have hands! 😱 also very cute birth scene, most beautiful thing to see


Aha, you're definitely full of surprises Lewdlemage ;)


well congratulations on doing this XD. Looks awesome even tho I not 100% for it. Can’t wait to see the follow up.


Something tells me her confident attitude did not last.


it's Perfect. That's what I really wanted.


Whoa OmG!!!!!

Joe Bradly

No more Nurs preg? :(


I mean inevitably I’m gonna draw her pregnant again EVENTUALLY, what I meant is I just wanted to ‘cap off’ the current sequence with a birth pic for once!

M-Dude (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-24 11:41:17 Congrats to Nurs! When will the eggs hatch?
2021-07-21 17:44:53 Congrats to Nurs! When will the eggs hatch?

Congrats to Nurs! When will the eggs hatch?


You know its getting serious when worms growing arms...


excellent! the more nurs, the better! i respect your boldness!


while I thought I was ready for this, I was not ready to see Dr Worm with hands...


Holy shit! Is that THE Dr Worm? .... And Shadow the Hedgehog? The lore runs deep....

LewdLime (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-24 11:41:16 I wanna see nurs' smol sharkies :>
2021-07-21 19:45:38 I wanna see nurs' smol sharkies :>

I wanna see nurs' smol sharkies :>


Absolutely stellar job, and the tum in the first scene is divine. Can't wait for the "next time" or for Winona's turn later on!


You gotta do Samus next, you always labor tease with her so it would only be fair if she was the next character you drew birth of if you ever decided to do it again

Justin Payne

This is some good egg laying work. Well done! 🥚🥚🥚🥚😄👍👍


finally... deliver on this Please teach me your punny ways


Nice conclusion for Nurs’ pregnancy! But I think Samus might need one too.


Did Nurs always have webbed toes?


I can't download the full res of the uncensored one on stash for some reason. Edit: Nevermind, you have to open a new link on the downlead button.


Glad you managed to get it! I just noticed it myself, that is weird. Glad ya like though!

Jake Jaccobus

The day has finally come! Amazing job, as always!


Winona hand = CRONCH XD


This......is new for me!

Random Hero

Been a long time coming. Any chance of more at some point?


I came~


How are they able to knock each other up?


i wondered if i was the only one to notice the worm with hands.....what has happened here O_O


This is amazing work!