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poor seras still isnt used to all this...... 

aaaaaaand thats another month complete!! seras was on the radar for a while since she kept getting suggested, too bad for her she has to be all squirmy now... hellsing in general gives me a lot of old school anime vibes so it was fun to draw her! i'll talk more tomorrow in the news post, but just to let everyone know next month will be a regular month! I know I usually do the ~OC month~ in August but I kinda just want to get back on the usual animation grind  for a bit so I'll prolly move it to September! Regardless thank you all for all the support!! Not only just for this month, but always! Been a little up-and-down these past few months and I really appreciate everyone's patience and understanding... for now though... INTO THE FUTURE....!! *warps away*

HD ver: https://sta.sh/221a5zgbzpx8




love seeing the police girl.....with the big titties. now she has an appetite to match

M-Dude (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-08 05:40:13 She looks so cute in your style!
2021-08-01 02:09:13 She looks so cute in your style!

She looks so cute in your style!

Zen Jehnson

Oh my GOSH. 270/10. Immediately reignited the huge crush I used to have on her. That poor belly. I volunteer to rub it until she's better. No matter how long it takes


Huh... that's weird. I can see the animation clearly in my E-mail (which is AWESOME btw), but I can't see it on Patreon itself. Same thing with the previous animation.


It’s been glitchy the past few days with the gif embeds! It works on my end atm so just give it some time! Regardless glad ya liked!


Super cute and works well with the character. Amazing work as always!


One of my new favorites :3 so in like 10 years we're maybe allowed to vote again for her, i would suggest a blood stuffing theme ;3 "hey master, i'm also now a biiiiig vampire! But could you please help me to stand up, that last feast demanded everything from me...!"


Woah two animations??


I was having the same issue and ended up fixing it by disabling the annoyances filter in uBlock Origin. If you're using an ad blocker it may be blocking GIFs on here for whatever reason.


Oh wow... it worked! That's a REALLY weird... bug I"m assuming. Thanks for the info!


This is some truly beautiful squirming animation. I've no idea how you do it so well!


Love her expression!


Thank you very much for this lovely surprise ❤️


So...who or what did she actually eat?