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in an alternate timeline, sascha has a much better experience with the lost city of lago...

a sascha for hypfoo/mesmersnack!! been a long time since we've seen this big tiger lady, and i thought this crossover idea would be funny lol, postin' this super late at night because nobody can stop me!!!!




But what if it’s a Candy Pirate’s treasure? Or a dragon’s horde of chocolate coins?


I guess much like the One Piece, we may never know what the lost treasure was


damnit, now i actually wanna see this as a full comic T_T


Cute and well sized tiger! Also great dialogue! Good to see these characters again.


Hehehe, lost city...


That's a beeg tiger. Would be a cool comparison between her and Smaugie.


The lost city of Lago, now that takes me back! Good to see it show up again.


Wow this is a nostalgia trip! Knocked it out of the park like usual!

That Guy

Oh FUCK yeah! I adore this gal as a pred/with a full gut.


maybe that could be the follow-up, then ^_^ - tiger takes a nap, smauggie stumbles on her; smauggie gets an easy meal that (from what i know of sascha) won't give her much bellyaching (assuming sascha even even wakes up during ingestion XD)


The amount of vore this month has been 👍👍👍


Her gut handled it better than the main character.

Black Lion

Cool. I hope we see more of her.

Captain Red Beard

I just wanna hug and rest my head on her belly 🥰

TinyYummyNeko (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-22 22:21:48 Can we please get a kicky version of this? >///< 🙏
2021-10-08 15:43:46 Can we please get a kicky version of this? >///< 🙏

Can we please get a kicky version of this? >///< 🙏