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... ILULU!! With nearly 400 votes!! The Dragon Maid series is no stranger on this page, and with Ilulu's victory the dragon tums return once more...! As 1st place winner, she'll be the subject of this month's main animation!

Coming in 2nd place, it's a surprise upset...! Winning by a mere eight votes... in a show of BIG FISH power...!? It's the (literal) GOAT herself- GANYU!! No stranger to the polls either, the Genshin dedication paid off and she's finally won an animation spot! As 2nd place winner, she'll be receiving a smaller animation later on in the month!

Despite a near miss for the final two spots, our third place winner, MARIN KITAGAWA made an impressive display throughout the poll- and for reaching third place will be receiving a guaranteed sketch from me sometime next month!

Thanks again everyone for voting! We haven't had a good ol' fashioned poll in a while, so it was fun to get back to the races! 

Now... Onto the topics, fufufu.... My feeling is this: VORE for Ilulu! Initially a 'villain' in the show, I'd like to re-imagine her initial meeting with Tohru lol, if you catch my drift. And I haven't had a main-animation be vore in a hot minute, so I figure now's a good time to get back to our evil roots... For Ganyu, it's a pretty obvious stuffing pick! Maybe a little bit of WG, but mostly I want to do a little ship-y thing with her and Keching! For Marin- I'm still deciding! TBH I'll probably fall on the side of stuffing, or maybe a 'fake preg' sort of cosplay angle, but we'll see! 

That's the plan!! Thanks again everyone for sticking around for another month here at lewdlemage dot com... It's the shortest month of the year, but I still have some neat stuff planned! Talk to you all again... Soon(tm)... *goes prone and crawls away*

edit-and here's some kickys for the last couple of pics! https://sta.sh/2qmpm8di3da



AH! I forgot to finish those internals/kicky versions for the previous pics I mentioned, my bad!! Will post those up here tomorrow!


I want to like this character but the head and eyes are just too big and oogly to me, makes them look too kid-ish. Hope you can make em look more mature Lewdle! 😁

Sarah F

Damnit she was doing so well the entire poll too


tfw I watched dressup darling only after voting in the poll and now wish I'd voted marin lol

tristan hatton

marin is, and has been in second the whole time, like what


Ooh the fake preggo angle for Marin would be perfect!! Would totally suit her character more than stuffing, as she'd probably start going off on a tangent like "But Gojou-kun, the Family Maker arc was suuuper important to the plot of 'And She Made Me a Daddy!" Purego-chan finally gets to show how sweet her motherly side is and it's soooo cute~!!"


This happens sometimes because the Patreon poll numbers aren’t accurate, they don’t actually support weighted votes (meaning people in higher tiers with extra votes), I add those in afterwards!


Super excited for Ilulu! Was kinda inevitable she get animated lol. I'm interested to see what you decide for Marin as well, since she does cosplay you could theoretically go for anything.


Hooray! Happy to see Ganyu pull through! What a close poll. Excited to see the resulting images and animations for each of these characters!


well I'm surprise with the poll standing, I guess the extra votes really do matter. I'm sad to see vore for Illulu I wanted a pregnant ver of her so bad, I know that you try to appeal to everyone and that is so good of you maybe we might get a preg ver. I know Worm has done a previous Dragon maid girl that has a stuffing and vore ver as well as the Mercy animation as well, but either way I'm sure it will be great no matter what. Ganyu stuffing really happy I just don't go to far with the weight gain I like round bellies with small frame but I have not worry maybe she'll have a rounder rear and larger chest. Kitagawa dam I was so hoping for an animation of her in her swim suit bouncing around with a belly excitedly as she has to get remeasure for her new cosplay. But no matter what you do everything will be great as always and I cant wait to see them.


Damn, really thought you'd do pregnancy for ganyu, especially considering the whole 'Goat Milk' meme around her


I like the idea that Marin is cosplaying a pregnant character so she gets a food baby to help!


🙏 Bless Ilulu vore, villains make for natural evil scenarios. A little bit of digesting never hurt anyone, right?

Hona Vega

Ganyu pulled through!! Looking forward to everything though

Carl Johnson

Good....Join us into the evil side! We have cookies!


Who ordered all these kickys!? Kicky alts for the last couple of pics posted up in the description!!

Luke LaPierre

Bit of a shame to see Ilulu vore being the topic. Would've been nice to see a stuffing/preg animation. Oh well.


Very happy with all three picks, nothing wrong with pregnancy but it's got 30/40 more pictures than the other two options, plus Ilulu being evil works for vore and Ganyu/Marin are both known to be big eaters in their world.