August Mid-Month Update...! (Patreon)
hello guys girls and gamers, the summer is winding down and so is our month here at lewdlemage dot com... As is custom when I shift into ANIMATION mode, here's a little post to let you all know when stuff is gonna come out!
The Yor animation is in the cleaning stages atm, and I'm planning on having it done by the 28th! After that, I'll get right onto the Midna loop and have that done on or about the 31st!
In the meanwhile, I have a little preg sketch I'll probably finish up by tomorrow night for the pregfolk. And at some point this week I'll put up the next suggestion post for the stream next month!
Nothing too crazy to announce right now, just ploddin' along! Just to update folks who were maybe wondering about the Thanksgibbon comic, I think what I might do is come November, I'll skip the animations or maybe just do a single, and just focus on doing the whole comic that month. Lemme know if that sounds like a decent plan! Other than that, hope you're all keeping cool out there, and I'll talk to you all again soon... Worm out. *melts into binary code*