The WINNER of the September Animation Poll Is...!! (Patreon)
YAMATO!! With nearly 400 votes!! Kaido's son truly is as unstoppable as he is...! As winner 1st place winner, they'll be the subject for this month's main animation!
In second place, a long-time veteran to the page, she's finally hit animation status...! ANDROID 18 is our 2nd place winner! Krillin would be so proud... As 2nd place winner, she'll receive a smaller animation later on in the month!
And last but not least, SHE-HULK surprises the page with a podium position! As third place winner, she'll receive a sketch from me at a later date! I'll also try and doodle some other notable poll entrants when I have the chance!
Thanks for voting everyone!! A good lineup we have this month... Now let's talk about topics!!
First thing first, I'll do a vore animation for Yamato! The original suggester did prefer it, and although my evil side loves a bit of gender-clashing pregnancy, I think that idea would do better as a sketch! Plus, Android 18 fits the topic better just from sheer canon-ness! Lastly, I'll do some stuffing for She-Hulk! Jennifer really works up an appetite defending all her clients yknow!!
so yeah, that's the plan!! thanks again everyone for suggesting so many great ideas, and for sticking around for another fun month! one last thing before i go, here's some kicky alts for the recent preg pics i did!
See you all again... Soon!! *gets discarded and sent to the graveyard to draw a card*