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hello.... havent had one of these in a hot minute... i hope everyone's transition into the future went smoothly, i'm just makin a little post now to let everyone know my plans for this month!

I'm gonna mainly focus on getting the Yamato animation out, but there'll be regular sketches and stuff as well. I'll be doing a sketch poll so all you good noots and big fishes get a little poll action goin on, I'll put up a submission post for that in a little bit!

Comic and stuff is still ongoing, I'll just get a page done here and there, it's about halfway so I'll just have that goin on the side.

so yeah! that's the plan, just gonna try and tie up loose ends and start 2023 right... hope you're all doin well out there, see you again soo- *crushed by a giant orb*



My transition into the new year has been traumatic. I now have cactus skin and keep stabbing people when giving high fives. Happy new year mate, looking forward to seeing what you've got planned.


New year, new tums, same worm channel!!

Trey MW

Happy new year! I'm still looking forward to the rest of the Thanksgibbon comic, you've been doing great so far!


Wish I could be crushed by a giant orb IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN AHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE


I know, you're probably busy, but do you have the alts for that recent nurs pic


No need to rush, I know it's going to be high quality like always