january mid-month update.... (Patreon)
back at it
greetings ladies and gents... as month winds down and i switch into /ANIMATION/ mode, i wanted to give you all an idea when things are coming out!
Right now I'm finishing up the 18 animation, I just wanted to get that squared away before finishing Yamato. I'm gonna wrap that up prolly on the 25th!
After that I plan on doing the next BIG FISH request stream on the 27th, I'll put up the submissions post for that prolly sometime tomorrow. And after that I'll just be focusin on Yamato! I'm gonna aim to have that wrapped up by the end of the month.
That's basically the plan! Somewhere in there I'll also try to get Mirko's pic done. Hope everyone's holidays went well and that you're all returning to the miserable mundane grind of every day life.......... kisses! *bursts into flames while demonic laughter is heard*