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*you attack the opponents face down card, it flips and reveals one DR. WORM 100/200 flip effect monster with the following effect*

h-hey. wasnt able to fit the stream in this month, so just gonna put up the submission box now for anyone that wanted to suggest but cant stick around!

As always, the streams/VODs are public to view over at picarto.tv/lewdlemage

Don't worry about missing out though if your suggestion gets picked but you aren't able to catch the stream, I'll DM you the sketch afterwards on here. So yeah, hope to see you there!


If you suggest a character, just let me know which topic you'd prefer (stuffing/preg/vore, etc)! And please only ONE suggestion per person! Don't try to hedge your bets with a bunch of comments lol, just let me know one character you'd really like to see me draw!

Remember also that OCs are allowed here! Just please provide me with references!



Envy using his shape shifted preg belly to tease Edward.


Ludmilla from Bartok the Magnificent, belly expansion


I'd like to suggest a vore pic of Phrompy's OC named Leona. She is a giant-kin knight who travels the land seeking to save people, find exciting adventure, and fill her belly on the way. She's excitable, energetic, passionate, and well-intentioned as well as brash and reckless. She's extremely gluttonous, extremely competitive, and very physically affectionate. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1y1pBV5ay1dFhaQ5MFp5mtasS9873hSVQ?usp=share_link


Alex from Totally Spies (preg) (looking forward to the reboot next year, btw.)


My OC the Electric Witch having vored my other OC the Cloud Witch. The Electric Witch ate her because she's upset at the Cloud Witch for using thunder clouds when electric magic is supposed to be her thing. Electric is looking rather irritated as she chastises Cloud within her belly. Link for pics of the Electric and Cloud Witch https://imgur.com/a/WMSUYdd


Skadi (Arknights) vore.

RabbitLover (edited)

Comment edits

2024-11-17 21:35:01 A Pregnant Meowscarda
2023-04-30 01:03:02 A Pregnant Meowscarda

A Pregnant Meowscarda


Alma Armas from Va-11 Hall-a (vore) She ate someone who's was harassing her in the bar while taking to Jill


Gonna suggest Eda the Owl Lady from Owl House, preg. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/the-owl-house/images/b/b7/Debut_Eda.png/revision/latest?cb=20230208030606

Beetle Boy3

I would like to suggest a preg sketch of Shantae in her pajamas. I was thinking she could be snacking on some ice cream to satisfy a craving.


I’d love to see a reappearance of my fav OC of yours Red the preg obsessed Office Lady! I think a good scenario would be her stuffing herself to the point of looking preg at a work party to try and get her coworkers to comment on her “foodbaby”.


I’d like to suggest the amazing kunoichi, Tsubaki, from Soul Eater! I’d imagine she’d be a bit embarrassed about being pregnant! https://souleater.fandom.com/wiki/Tsubaki_Nakatsukasa


I'm gonna suggest Daki from Demon Slayer, a digestion sketch would be cool


Greya - Manaria friends / Pregnant

Shark Tears

If its not too much trouble, I'm going to suggest Lilith from Diablo IV voring one of the hero classes, particularly the sorcerer. https://w0.peakpx.com/wallpaper/580/383/HD-wallpaper-diablo-4-lilith-d4-diablo-4-diablo-iv.jpg https://www.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/1816/18167535/4114170-diablo4sorcererskillsguideoverview-.jpg


If boys are still allowed to be submitted, I wanna throw up my smug trickster boy Dylan, after eating someone~ https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/994126276036149308/1080460330003595274/DYLAN_LIZARD_CLOTHED.png


I'd love to see a stuffed Jam Kurodoberi from Guilty Gear! Perhaps by eating a metric crapton of her own dumplings?


Pregnant Dorothea Arnault from Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Wickon Solofa Aurone

I would be honored if you did a picture of Pumkin (my Saiyan OC) massively stuffed with her favorite food.... dinosaur meat (Side note if you want you can do her hair flat like it's wet) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/630547689280634884/1102070816985841695/dc87dd1f-b8dd-42bd-b347-50ad76efe947.png


How about Alicia Melchiott from Valkyria Chronicles? ( https://sta.sh/0714ktegl6y ) Seeing how Mayternity is just around the corner, a pregnancy theme would be nice to see (plus it’s canon woo!). Feeling nostalgic, Alicia would be attempting to wear her old Town Watch uniform. She’s doing her best to hold a cute pose but her growing tum has made her outfit tighter than she was expecting. It probably doesn’t help that she’s been snacking on leftover bread from her bakery every day. Being the town baker has its challenges, that’s for sure.

Hugh Mungus

Ilulu stuffing! I want more ilulu!!!


I'll suggest my Demon Goat OC Baphi! She's always pregnant so it'll be preg by default but you cando some preg/stuffing by having her laze around and gorge herself on snacks, kinda like your series of Miku drawings. Here's her ref, clothes are optional :). https://twitter.com/TsukijiTums/status/1645891549794820098?t=PodAH_zQiTBvGnoohBtTkQ&s=19


I'll suggest vore with my goth girl Nadia! There's a scene in the game where she temporarily swallows the player to smuggle them out of a dangerous party that I think could be fun to see. Reference: https://i.imgur.com/kRK65Ez.png

clinko clinko

I also suggest Tsukiji's Demon Goat OC Baphi >:) https://twitter.com/TsukijiTums/status/1645891549794820098?t=PodAH_zQiTBvGnoohBtTkQ&s=19


Uzaki-chan (vore pretty please)


Ming Lee - Turning Red (Vore)


Couldn't hurt to try. I hope my idea is ok, if the subject/kink is not good, I hope you will let me know. My OC Aria with a hose in her mouth causing her breasts, belly and hindquarters to swell considerably. Her belly is bloated to the size of a big beach ball at least but her breasts are easily bigger than her belly. Aria has become topless from how big she has gotten. Her nipples and areola are still small/normal sized Her shorts may be popped at the button but her panties are still covering her. Her hands are either holding her breasts or holding the side of her belly. She has a blushing and awe expression. Its implied that she is still getting bloating bigger. Aria's Refs: https://imgur.com/a/6eRKiga


Bunny toki from blue archive https://twitter.com/arisu_archive/status/1651172660645339141?s=46&t=mmywdB1o4Rbe0CgQl6meGg https://youtu.be/TyWfA860XKk


i would very much like to see Hanekawa Tsubasa from Monogatari doin some vore on her romantic rivals! I'd also be down for preg tho! Cats are known to have rather large litters, after all.


Vanessa, security guard from FNAF, vore punishment ❤️


Pregnant Rebecca from Cyberpunk Edgerunners?

Jingo Ringo

I think I would love to see Izutsumi from dungeon meshi!


Well, I already suggested this idea last time, but I like it so much that I will keep proposing it until it is chosen ! (And since the last Super Mario Bros movie is out, I think the opportunity is perfect ^^ ) So, what if Mangra worked like Yoshi ? Since Mangra and Yoshi are two lizard creatures who love to swallow people, the idea would be that Mangra eats one of her friends in order to trap him in an egg. Is she doing this because she wants to kidnap her friend and take him home? Because she wants to play mother or have an offspring? It can be any reason you want Lewdlemage ! ( It would just have to be a non-fatal and heartwarming vore sketch, please). The only thing I want to avoid at all costs is a cruel sketch where Mangra turns someone into an egg to eat later as an omelet. That would be too sad...


I'm just gonna bite the bullet and ask for a preg pic of my fishsona, please.

Trey MW

Could you draw my cowgirl, Mabel? Drunk and with a bloated beer belly. https://twitter.com/arttmw/status/1508303475477733382?s=46&t=5B1jRSPhWnI3S0kmbRK2gQ


I'll throw in a witchy werewolf for some vore https://www.deviantart.com/nnn4462/art/Something-Stuck-In-Her-Teeth-945905656

FishBoi (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-12 00:48:00 Lady Nagatant from MHA being all pregnant & annoyed by her bump. Plus the kid kicking up a storm in her. Being concerned with the quirk the kid might have in the womb.
2023-05-05 18:33:52 Lady Nagatant from MHA being all pregnant & annoyed by her bump. Plus the kid kicking up a storm in her. Being concerned with the quirk the kid might have in the womb.

Lady Nagatant from MHA being all pregnant & annoyed by her bump. Plus the kid kicking up a storm in her. Being concerned with the quirk the kid might have in the womb.