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Today I just wanted to say a few things and maybe try to reinforce what I said about other info in case people miss something.

It's not very beneficial to talk about problems or expose them, because even if there are really good people that care, it also works in favor of the people who are the problem. I'm not talking about someone complaining or being very picky about something. There are people who despise me for any reason they want, even if I have nothing to do with any of their problems. This leads to threats, harassments and constant conflicts. I may not be a PhD or anything like that, but I'm not dumb. I know when someone wants me bad.

You may think that it's strange to have people in here that are like that, like... why are they paying if they hate me? But a sociopath doesn't think like that.

I can only say something for anyone. It doesn't matter where I am, where do I post my stuff. I'll keep doing what I want to do and the more someone tries to push me down, the more I want to keep doing it. In case you would want me to stop making art you would have to wait until I retire or until I die. So for most people here which I'm sure likes what I do, remember to follow me in every socials that you can. I'll not stop feeding you content.

And the info:

I said that I'll try to start the tournament this week and I'm actually a bit excited for it. I didn't start making the characters yet, but I'll start checking the models, preparing some optimizations to the workflow and also organizing the correct list.

Some characters that are on the list will not be in the tournament, not only because of the spots, but some of them will have full sets (which is even better than the tournament I think).

The quiz or maybe some other event that I'll make I'm thinking of ways to not upset people if they lose. So I'll think more about it.

Anyway, don't be concerned about what I said. I just want to confirm that even if I didn't receive any money, I would still work hard. I left my Patreon info open for you since I started, because I believe your choice of supporting me should be clear and not shaded by anything.



Original Gimp

Thanks for the info K looks amazing!

Capone A.

Yeah that seems kinda odd for them to do. It's cool when a creator is excited.


Hope you can updated on Patreon, I'll always support you❤️


Thank you 💚I'll be doing it here, but when I lost my pixiv I learned that it's good to ask people to follow me in more places too.


It's really sad that you're going through something like this. I don't think there's a creature more difficult to deal with in this world than a human being. Be strong. I believe there are many people, if not the vast majority here, who support you and wish you success because they like your work and spend part of their finances because they admire the work you've been doing.


Damn, that people do stuff like that to you...it's so bad; and absolutely needless to do. I hope you persevere through it all!


Yes, I believe that too. But I think it's good to let everyone know that I'll keep doing what I do so there is no "end" for many years.


Thank you, I feel many things when stuff like this happens, but int the end I trust myself to keep up.


I love pic of Koikoi! Awesome style and hair!


Your work is fantastic, thanks for the information. It's really sad that people are harassing and mean even on Patreon. Courage to you


Thank you 💚I'm asking people to follow me in other places so we can still keep communication.


People hates you because you added to much breast to sinon to follow patreon rules ? xD


That post specifically I didn't see too many people talking about, but usually the people who hate me for doing that only leave. The problem is when someone takes me as a rival or something.


I have a patreon and people unsubscribe all the time no worry, probably u notice that most of them come back later