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Waifu Tournament #5 Phase 01 Round 05 (Underdog)

  • Mio Akiyama - K-On! 109
  • Chisato Hasegawa - Testament of Sister New Devil 245
  • 2024-09-27
  • —2024-09-29
  • 354 votes
{'title': 'Waifu Tournament #5 Phase 01 Round 05 (Underdog)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Mio Akiyama - K-On!', 'votes': 109}, {'text': 'Chisato Hasegawa - Testament of Sister New Devil', 'votes': 245}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 9, 29, 3, 30, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 9, 27, 22, 11, 38, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 354}


We are past the half of this phase!

I might include an OC this weekend too if I have the time, so people who are missing them will have some.

Also, keep in mind when you pick certain characters, I have to make a very obvious adult version.

For now, let's see who will win between:

Mio Akiyama from K-On!


Chisato Hasegawa from Testament of Sister New Devil!

Note: The attached files are in higher resolution.

Note 2: Options are based suggestions and polls from the community.




Oh yeah this is a Chisato SWEEP. The next set with her needs to be without glasses like she is here and a more played out scenario of what would’ve happened when she made out in that shower scene.